Here at The Together Project…

we strive to build up the underrepresented communities throughout Cambodia, targeted to those of whom struggle with food insecurity. At our organic farm, our team teaches farmers essential, healthy agricultural practices to reach subsistence-level crop yields and soon enough to earn their very own profit.


(1) A Hydroponics Greenhouse: 10m x 28m 

(2) A Netted Garden with drip-irrigation system: 28m x 28m

(3) A schoolhouse where we teach Cambodians to grow crops 

(4) A Mushroom house capable of cultivating up to 100 kg of mushrooms per month 

The Together Farm was built in 2021 with funding from the Landmine Relief Fund. The Together Project trains new farmers and experiments with different agricultural practices (i.e. different types of homemade fertilizer, growing different plants, etc.) The Together Project’s students use their knowledge of agriculture to build and operate their own sustainable farms. The Together Project has helped 8 farmers build their own mushroom houses. 

THE TOGETHER PROJECT PARTNERED WITH TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. The Together Project worked with Texas A&M Architecture students to improve the design of the farm.

This design is spread across one hectare of land and includes the Hydroponic Greenhouse, Netted Garden/greenhouse, Mushroom House, storage shed, distribution building, visitors center/schoolhouse, and a home for an intern garden manager. Local residents and students are trained on the farm and learn how to operate their own.


Food insecurity is when people don’t have access to enough safe and nutritious food to support normal growth and development. According to the United Nations, 45% of Cambodians live in moderate to severe food insecurity. Food insecurity is projected to worsen in Cambodia as climate change progresses. 


(1) The Together Project is producing nutritious and chemical-free produce while teaching Cambodians how to do the same. 

(2) The Together Project has helped 15 farmers and 2 schools build their own mushroom houses. 

(3) The Together Project has distributed over 175 metric tons of rice, providing more than 2,000,000 meals for those in need. The Together Project has also distributed 68,000 kilos of other food supplies, including 130,000 packets of noodles, 10,000 bottles of soy and fish sauce, 12,000 bags of salt, and nearly 10,000 bags of sugar.

(4) The Together Project fed villages in Siem Reap Province, those impacted by the floods of 2020, and those in confinement in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh due to Covid quarantines.


In simple terms, yes, TTP is organic! The Together Project does not use pesticides or toxic chemicals on its farm. The Together Project makes its own natural fertilizer and uses nets to protect crops from pests.

Cambodia does not have a governmental organic certification process. In April 2020, the government announced it would establish organic standards, a certification system, and a logo. The Together Project is excited for Cambodia to have its own governmental organic certification process!

In the meantime… The Together Project is organic according to the US Department of Agriculture’s requirements:

✅ All The Together Project crops are grown in soil where no prohibited substances (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides) have been applied for three years prior to harvest.


All of our funding is from private donations.  Both large and small.  If you live in Cambodia, you donate directly to our bank account at ABA bank.  If you live outside Cambodia, you can donate to the American charity, Landmine Relief Fund, a recognized 501c3 charity in the US.


 (1) To support the Sustainable Farm.

(2) To build mushroom houses at schools and in rural villages. 

(3) To provide school supplies for kids in rural villages.

(4) To provide a living wage to those who work for RSSO.

None of this is done alone.

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